Purchase Prices
Purchase Options
You can purchase our products in one of 2 ways:
Through the Shop page on this website. The Shop can be viewed from any private computer, mobile and some NHS Trust networks. The page might not be accessible from some NHS sites due to individual Trust network security blocks.
Contact us via email with your requirements. We can then send you an invoice with bank transfer details.
Trial Options
If you would like to trial our product we are happy to discuss trial options with you.
If you are interested in this option: please contact us to discuss via email through the contact page.
Rental Options
If you would like to rent our models (perhaps to run a course) we can organise several of our models to be delivered and collected to and from your unit. We usually rent our models for a 10 day period and can offer a bespoke cost according to your needs.
If you are interested in this option: please contact us via email through the contact page.
TESS gastro £1800
Each simulation station consists of:
Stomach with ulcer, gastric varix and PEG stations
Oesophagus x3 - standard, banding and dilation stations
Stand x1
Carry case x1
Starter pack of inserts (ulcer x2, oesophageal varix x2, gastric varix x1, PEG x1, dilation x1)